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Untuk menunjang kelancaran proses pembelajaran dan kualitas pendidikan, Program Diploma III Akuntansi menyediakan fasilitas sebagai berikut :

  1. Gedung dan ruang kuliah yang representative
  2. Laboraturium Komputer Akuntansi (LKA)
  3. Laboraturium Pengembangan Akuntansi (LPA)
  4. Tax Center
  5. Prasarana Pembelajaran (Komputer, Laptop, LCD, OHP, TV, DVD, Handycam, Soundsytem, dan wireless, Hotspot)
  6. Ruang Referenssi Akuntansi (RRA)

The Personal Statement is one of the most important sections of applying for college entrance

It is a fantastic chance to write about your ideas and ambitions for yourself, your own future and in which you hope to go in life. Every high termpapers world school student should at least take this seriously. Here are a Couple of things that will help you create a personal statement that will Stick out and give you the most benefit: