Koordinator Program | Isma Coryanata,SE,M.Si,Akt |
Sekretaris Program | Madani Hatta, SE,M.Si, Akt |
Semester 1 | ||||||
No. | Kode | Nama Mata Kuliah | Jumlah Sks | Mata Kuliah Prasyarat | ||
Indonesia | English | Teori | Praktik | |||
1 | PRK-111 | Aplikasi Komputer I | Computer Aplication I | 1 | 2 | – |
2 | MKU-105 | Bahasa Inggris | English | 2 | 0 | – |
3 | DEK-113 | Matematika Keuangan | Financial Mathematics | 3 | 0 | – |
4 | MKU-101 | Pancasila | Pancasila | 2 | 0 | – |
5 | MKU-102 | Pendidikan Agama | Education of Religion | 3 | 0 | – |
6 | DEA-111 | Pengantar Akuntansi | Introduction of Accounting | 4 | 0 | – |
7 | DEK-112 | Pengantar Bisnis | Introduction to Business | 3 | 0 | – |
8 | DEK-111 | Pengantar Ilmu Ekonomi | Introduction to Economics | 3 | 0 | – |
Jumlah | 21 | 2 | ||||
Semester 2 | ||||||
No. | Kode | Nama Mata Kuliah | Jumlah Sks | Mata Kuliah Prasyarat | ||
Indonesia | English | Teori | Praktik | |||
1 | DEA-121 | Akuntansi Keuangan I | Financial Accounting I | 3 | 0 | DEA-111 |
2 | PRK-121 | Aplikasi Komputer II | Computer Aplication II | 0 | 3 | PRK-111 |
3 | MKU-103 | Bahasa Indonesia | Indonesian Language | 3 | 0 | – |
4 | DEK-124 | Bahasa Inggris Untuk Bisnis | English for Business | 2 | 0 | MKU-105 |
5 | DEK-121 | Hukum Bisnis | Business Law | 2 | 0 | – |
6 | DEK-122 | Komunikasi Bisnis | Business Communication | 3 | 0 | – |
7 | MKU-104 | Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan | Education of Citizenship | 2 | 0 | MKU-101 |
8 | DEK-123 | Pengantar Manajemen | Introduction to Management | 3 | 0 | DEK-112 |
9 | PRK-122 | Praktek Pengantar Akuntansi | Introduction to Accounting Practices | 0 | 3 | DEA-111 |
Jumlah | 18 | 6 | ||||
Semester 3 | ||||||
No. | Kode | Nama Mata Kuliah | Jumlah Sks | Mata Kuliah Prasyarat | ||
Indonesia | English | Teori | Praktik | |||
1 | DEA-211 | Akuntansi Biaya | Cost Accounting | 3 | 0 | DEA-111 |
2 | DEA-212 | Akuntansi Keuangan II | Financial Accounting II | 3 | 0 | DEA-121 |
3 | DEA-213 | Akuntansi Sektor Publik | Public Sector Accounting | 2 | 1 | DEA-111 |
4 | DEA-214 | Pengauditan I | Auditing I | 3 | 0 | DEA-121 |
5 | DEA-215 | Manajemen Keuangan | Financial Management | 3 | 0 | DEK-113 |
6 | DEA-216 | Perpajakan | Taxation | 3 | 0 | DEA-111 |
7 | DEA-217 | Sistem Informasi Akuntansi | Accounting Information System | 3 | 0 | DEA-121 |
Jumlah | 20 | 1 | ||||
Semester 4 | ||||||
No. | Kode | Nama Mata Kuliah | Jumlah Sks | Mata Kuliah Prasyarat | ||
Indonesia | English | Teori | Praktik | |||
1 | DEA-221 | Akuntansi Keuangan Lanjutan | Advanced Financial Accounting | 4 | 0 | DEA-212 |
2 | DEA-222 | Analisa Laporan Keuangan | Financial Statement Analysis | 3 | 0 | DEA-215 |
3 | DEA-223 | Pengauditan II | Auditing II | 3 | 0 | DEA-214 |
4 | PRK-221 | Praktek Akuntansi Biaya | Cost Accounting Practises | 0 | 3 | DEA-211 |
5 | PRK-222 | Praktek Akuntansi Keuangan | Financial Accounting Practises | 0 | 3 | DEA-212 |
6 | PRK-223 | Praktek Perpajakan | Taxation Practises | 0 | 3 | DEA-216 |
7 | PRK-224 | Praktek Sistem Informasi Akuntansi | Accounting Information System Practises | 0 | 3 | DEA-217 |
Jumlah | 10 | 12 | ||||
Semester 5 | ||||||
No. | Kode | Nama Mata Kuliah | Jumlah Sks | Mata Kuliah Prasyarat | ||
Indonesia | English | Teori | Praktik | |||
1 | PRK-313 | Aplikasi Komputer Akuntansi | Computer Accounting Applications | 0 | 3 | PRK-121 |
2 | DEA-311 | Penganggaran | Budgeting | 2 | 2 | DEA-211 |
3 | DEA-312 | Dasar-Dasar Akuntansi Manajemen | Fundamentals of Management Accounting | 3 | 0 | DEA-211 |
4 | MKU-300 | Kewirausahaan | Entrepreneurship | 2 | 1 | DEK-112 |
5 | PRK-312 | Praktek Akuntansi Keuangan Lanjutan | Advanced Financial Accounting Practise | 0 | 3 | DEA-221 |
6 | PRK-311 | Praktek Audit | Auditing Practise | 0 | 3 | DEA-223 |
7 | Mata Kuliah Pilihan | Elective courses | 2 | 1 | ||
Jumlah | 9 | 13 | ||||
Semester 6 | ||||||
No. | Kode | Nama Mata Kuliah | Jumlah Sks | Mata Kuliah Prasyarat | ||
Indonesia | English | Teori | Praktik | |||
1 | DEA-321 | Kuliah Kerja Lapangan | Field Study | 0 | 6 | Sudah menyelesaikan minimal 106 sks dan IPK ≥ 2,75 |
Jumlah | 0 | 6 | ||||
Mata Kuliah Pilihan (Elective courses) | ||||||
No. | Kode | Nama Mata Kuliah | Jumlah Sks | Mata Kuliah Prasyarat | ||
Indonesia | English | Teori | Praktik | |||
1 | DEA-313 | Akuntansi Perbankan | Accounting of Banking | 2 | 1 | DEA-121 |
2 | DEA-314 | Akuntansi Pemerintahan | Government Accounting | 2 | 1 | DEA-213 |
3 | DEA-315 | Akuntansi Syariah | Sharia Accounting | 2 | 1 | DEA-121 |
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